The ODPRN develops resources for policymakers, clinicians and patients to disseminate key findings from research studies. Discover new resources here!
Evidence Development
Extracting current evidence to understand the impact of drug shortages on drug utilization, patient outcomes and existing clinical scoring systems to evaluate clinical importance of drugs. This project is comprised of three environmental scans focusing on:
- Impact of drug shortages on population-level drug utilization led by UofT.
- Existing scoring systems and clinical criteria for drug prioritization led by the CDA-AMC.
- Patient outcomes associated with supply chain disruptions and vaccines led by the CDA-AMC
Expert Insight
Gathering experts from a wide range of expertise across industry, government, academia, and clinical experts to refine the development of the at-risk medicines list. Expert insight was obtained through expert panel meetings and a clinical review.
Public Insight
Engaging with the public and additional stakeholders to further calibrate the framework and list.