Research Team Member

Become Research Team Member

The ODPRN conducts larger collaborative studies related to broad drug policy questions including barriers to medication accessibility, value for money and inappropriate use of prescription medications. For these larger scale projects patient representative are incorporated into our research teams and are engaged from the beginning of the project.

Role You Could Play:  Research team members provide input on research projects in order to ensure that we appropriately address issues as they relate to patients as well as with the interpretation, contextualization and dissemination of research findings.

Commitment: Research team members will be invited to participate in 2-5 one-hour long research team meetings by teleconference. These discussions will focus on identifying key issues with broad policy questions, assisting with the study design and interpretation of results and providing input on various dissemination strategies for research findings

Research projects currently recruiting patient representatives:  TBD

For more information on how you can become a research team member, please email us at

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