Cognitive Enhancers

The ODPRN will be conducting a drug class review on cognitive enhancers for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease between November 2014 and August 2015. Stakeholders have the opportunity to provide input at various stages during the review. Please check this page frequently if you are stakeholder who would like to participate in our stakeholder input opportunities, or subscribe to our newsletter for frequent updates on our reviews.

We need your input! There are various ways that you can provide us with your feedback throughout the review process. See our feedback opportunities below to determine when the opportunity is available and the key actions to take in order to participate.

Stakeholder Interviews

Our Qualitative Research Team conducts in-depth telephone interviews and/or surveys with key stakeholders, including (but not limited to) patients, prescribers and pharmacists.

Time Period
CLOSED:  We are no longer recruiting interview participants.
Key Documents/Information Required to Provide Input
CLOSED:  We are no longer recruiting interview participants

Evidence Submission Packages

In order to ensure that all relevant research, whether published or not, is available for inclusion in the final report, submissions are invited from drug manufacturers, professional societies and other interested groups. We ask that these groups identify any evidence relevant to the review that is known to them, including clinical trials, follow-up studies and evidence from disease registries. This may also include relevant evidence that is unpublished.

Time Period
CLOSED: We are no longer accepting evidence submission packages

Stakeholder Review of Comprehensive Research Plan

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on research plans in order to identify key considerations for the conduct of each research study within the drug class review.

Time Period
CLOSED: We are no longer accepting comments on our comprehensive research plans.
Key Documents

Stakeholder Review of Draft Reports

Stakeholders are invited to comment on the draft reports of findings developed by each research team. Comments may be considered when finalizing the reports prior to submitting these to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Time Period
CLOSED: We are no longer accepting comments on  our draft reports.  Final reports to be posted in August/September 2015

Any questions? Contact us at

Please note that this report is NOT COMPLETE and is still in progress. Click below if you would like to continue.