Review Process

The Drug Class Reviews were conducted in a transparent and open fashion. Stakeholder input (public, patient advocacy groups, individual patients, healthcare providers, industry, policy makers, etc.) was sought at various stages to ensure a rigorous review, including Committee Membership, input on Comprehensive Research Plans and Draft Report and Recommendations, Workshop Session and Evidence Submission Packages. Public posting ensures that the final reports are transparent, accessible and credible; we want to ensure that the final report reflects the needs of the public.

Find out more information about our drug class review process:

ODPRN’s Comprehensive Approach to Drug Class Reviews:

Continued evaluation of drug formularies is essential in ensuring they reflect current evidence and are successful in optimizing access and appropriate use. Click to view our publication outlining our comprehensive drug-class review framework.

Please note that this report is NOT COMPLETE and is still in progress. Click below if you would like to continue.