Opportunities to review the methods and findings of each of our drug class reviews were available either through in-person forums or in written comments. As well, stakeholders had the opportunity to provide the ODPRN with useful information to include in the drug class reviews by submitting an evidence package.
In-Person Forums
For each drug class review, there were two forum sessions planned:
Forum One:
The first forum session (via webinar) was held with the project team, invited representatives from industry as well as patient representatives and professional associations, to help with the development of the Comprehensive Research Plans. At this session, the project team would explain the objectives and the framework of the review. Input from industry was sought regarding the proposed work for each component of the review and these comments were used to clarify and refine the comprehensive research plans as appropriate. This forum session was scheduled during the two-week stakeholder feedback period for the Comprehensive Research Plans.
Forum Two:
The second forum was an in-person meeting (with an option for teleconference) scheduled during the four-week stakeholder feedback period of the Draft Reports. During this forum, we gathered input on the findings of the research for the drug class review, as well as options for reimbursement.
Written Comments
Comments were encouraged at both the preliminary and review stage. When documents related to the drug class review were posted on the ODPRN website, implicated manufacturers and stakeholders were also notified directly.
- Comprehensive Research Plans: Address problems found in real-life situations. Stakeholders would be able to provide feedback at this preliminary stage for a period of two weeks.
- Draft Reports/Recommendations: Stakeholders will be able to provide feedback on the drug class reviews for a period of four weeks.
Who could submit comments?
Anyone with an interest in the specific drug class review was invited to submit comments at various stages during the review. This included (but not limited to): patient advocacy groups, the public, individual patients, healthcare providers including physicians and pharmacists, policy-makers, and drug manufacturers.
What type of feedback was helpful?
We looked for comments/questions that directly related to either the Comprehensive Research Plans or the Draft Reports/Recommendations. It was not necessary to provide a summary of the drug being considered in the drug class review. Note: A limit of five (5) pages were accepted for feedback on the Comprehensive Research Plans as well as the Draft Reports/Recommendations.
How to submit comments?
Comments could be submitted electronically via email or hard copy to ODPRN headquarters.
How were the suggestions used?
The ODPRN reviewed and responded to all feedback provided. We used the comments to help refine and revise the Comprehensive Research Plan and the Draft Reports/Recommendations as appropriate, to ensure that the final report reflected the most important questions that patients, healthcare providers and policy-makers had regarding a specific drug class.
Feedback provided by stakeholders as well as responses from ODPRN was posted on our website, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.