Drug Policy and Evaluation

The ODPRN has conducted multiple studies that have both informed and evaluated the impact of drug policies in Ontario, and more broadly across Canada.  This research includes a wide breadth of work ranging from large drug class reviews to specific rapid response projects resulting from decision makers’ pressing initiatives.

wdt_ID Title Publication Type Date Released Clinical Topic Additional Resources
wdt_ID Title Publication Type Date Released Clinical Topic Additional Resources
1 Low molecular weight heparin Drug Class Review 01 May 2016 Cardiovascular Health Research Summary
2 The influence of socioeconomic status on selection of anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation Journal Article 25 Feb 2016 Cardiovascular Health
3 Impact of the JUPITER trial on statin prescribing for primary prevention Journal Article 12 Aug 2013 Cardiovascular Health
4 Trends in the coprescription of proton pump inhibitors with clopidogrel: An ecological analysis Journal Article 26 Nov 2015 Cardiovascular Health
5 Antipsychotics in the elderly Drug Class Review 01 May 2015 Dementia and Antipsychotics Research Summary
6 Cognitive enhancers for Alzheimer's Disease Drug Class Review 01 Aug 2015 Dementia and Antipsychotics Research Summary
7 Association of a blood glucose test strip quantity-limit policy with patient outcomes: A population-based study Journal Article 07 Nov 2016 Diabetes Research Minute
8 Adherence to prescribing recommendations made on a provincial formulary Journal Article 01 May 2014 Diabetes Research Minute
9 Blood glucose test strips: Options to reduce usage Journal Article 12 Jan 2010 Diabetes Letter to Editor
10 The impact of policies to reduce blood glucose test strip utilization and costs in Canada Journal Article 01 Jun 2015 Diabetes Research Minute
11 Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels: Evaluating the impact of a policy of quantity limits on test-strip use and costs Journal Article 17 May 2016 Diabetes Research Minute
12 Self-monitoring of blood glucose: Impact of quantity limits in public drug formularies on provincial costs across Canada Journal Article 15 Dec 2016 Diabetes
13 Self-monitoring of blood glucose: Patterns costs and potential cost reduction associated with reduced testing Public Report 01 Dec 2009 Diabetes
14 Professional pharmacy services and patient complexity: An observational study Journal Article 03 Dec 2015 Drug Policy Research Minute
15 Sevelamer prescriptions after reporting of the dialysis clinical outcomes revisited (DCOR) trial findings: An analysis of 5 495 patients receiving maintenance dialysis in Ontario, Canada Letter to Editor 18 Jan 2011 Kidney Disease
16 Drugs for the management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Drug Class Review 01 Dec 2015 Mental Health Research Summary
17 Triptans for the management of acute episodic migraine Drug Class Review 01 Mar 2014 Migraines Research Summary
18 Public drug coverage and its impact on triptan use across Canada: A population-based study Journal Article 07 Mar 2015 Migraines Drug Class Review
19 Reformulation of controlled-release oxycodone and pharmacy dispensing patterns near the US–Canada border Journal Article 13 Nov 2012 Opioids Research Minute
20 Effect of a course-based intervention and effect of medical regulation on physicians’ opioid prescribing Journal Article 01 May 2013 Opioids Research Minute
21 Impact of legislation and a prescription monitoring program on the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescriptions for monitored drugs in Ontario: A time series analysis Journal Article 18 Nov 2014 Opioids Research Minute
22 High strength opioid formulations in Ontario: By the numbers Public Report 02 Aug 2016 Opioids Infographic
23 Treatment for chronic Hepatitis B Drug Class Review 01 Sep 2015 Other Research Summary
24 Allergen immunotherapy Drug Class Review 01 Oct 2015 Other Research Summary
25 Effects of funding policy changes and health warnings on the use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents Journal Article 17 Jan 2012 Other
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