The ODPRN has developed a series of interactive tools to provide accessible and comprehensive insights into various aspects of public health and drug-related issues in Ontario. Each tool draws from reputable and comprehensive data sources, ensuring accuracy and reliability. These interactive tools offer users the ability to explore and analyze complex data in user-friendly formats. The tools cover a diverse range of topics, including opioid use, drug utilization, harm reduction services, and other health indicators.
Users can navigate through these tools to visualize data in the form of graphs, maps, and charts. The tools offer the flexibility to customize views based on different parameters such as age, gender, geographic region, and time periods. This customization enables users to gain a deeper understanding of how various factors contribute to the presented trends. By utilizing these tools, policymakers, researchers, and the general public can gain a better understanding of evolving health challenges and make informed decisions.
Updated Regularly
The Ontario Opioid Indicator Tool provides public access to indicators of opioid use, opioid-related harms, and access to treatment and harm reduction in the province from 2012 onwards.
COVID-19 Ontario Prescription Drug Utilization Tool
This tool provides access to data on drug utilization in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic and includes records of dispensed drugs and pharmacy services that are reimbursed through Ontario’s publicly-funded drug program, and all prescriptions for narcotic, controlled, and monitored substances dispensed from community pharmacies in Ontario.
Regional Changes in Harm Reduction Services in Ontario over the COVID-19 Pandemic
This snapshot describes the regional changes to harm reduction service delivery in Ontario over the COVID-19 pandemic, and the relationship between these changes and opioid-related morbidity and mortality.
Timeline of data used: November 2022 – March 2023
Regional differences in access to direct-acting antiviral treatments for hepatitis C across Ontario
An estimated 71 million people worldwide live with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection which, if left untreated, can increase morbidity and mortality. Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) are curative treatments for HCV. These interactive maps examine trends in HCV DAA medication prescribing and the average distance to a prescriber by public health unit in Ontario.
Timeline of data used: 2019
These interactive maps examine the geographic variability of psychotropic drug use among children and youth by Ontario census division. The map can be filtered by drug class and mental health indicators (child/adolescent psychiatry and developmental pediatricians, pediatric mental health services, and pediatric mental health hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits).
Timeline of data used: 2018
Naloxone Distribution Across Ontario
This interactive report card shows naloxone distribution across Ontario by Public Health Unit (PHU). Measures include total kits distributed, pharmacy-distributed kits, total harm events (opioid-related ED visits and deaths), naloxone kits per harm event, and distribution benchmarks.
Timeline of data used: July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018
Landscape of Prescription Stimulant Use
Regional variations in the rate of prescription stimulant use and recent psychiatrist visits was illustrated by mapping standardized rates according to PHU and Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).
Timeline of data used: 2017
Behind the Prescriptions: A Snapshot of Opioid Use Across All Ontarians
These interactive maps display the regional variation of Ontarians dispensed an opioid by PHU and LHIN. Separate maps were created by indication (pain, cough, or addiction) and to illustrate regional variation in the rate of use of methadone and buprenorphine/naloxone.
Timeline of data used: January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.
Opioid Use and Related Adverse Events in Ontario
This interactive tool includes a report card of the rates of opioid use and related adverse events by Ontario county. For each county in Ontario, information is available on opioid users, opioid-related hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and deaths. There are also interactive maps of the findings at the LHIN and county level in Ontario.
Timeline of data used: 2011 to 2015