Deaths from the opioid crisis often make headlines. What’s overlooked is the toll on survivors
“My concern is that we make this broad-sweeping assumption that if people survive the overdose they’re okay,” said Tara Gomes, a scientist at St. Michael’s who was one of the authors of the Ontario study on infections. “It’s not enough just to think the overdose is reversed and they’re just back to where they were before.”
December 11, 2021 | The Globe and Mail | News Article | Associated Research
Pharmaceutical costs are soaring due to innovative but pricey new drugs
We are likely entering a golden era of drug innovation, with the rise of new drug development technologies and biologics, states Mina Tadrous, Tara Gomes and Michael Law in this op-ed.
December 2, 2021 | The Globe and Mail | News Article | Associated Research
Opioid deaths doubled among First Nations people in Ontario amid pandemic, report says
The number of First Nations people who died from opioid-related deaths in Ontario more than doubled during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s one of the key findings of a report released by the Chiefs of Ontario and the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network on Friday.
November 26, 2021 | Global News | News Article | Associated Research
Use of Ritalin, other stimulants can raise heart risks for older adults
ADHD medications are increasingly being prescribed to older adults, and they may cause a short-term spike in the risk of heart attack, stroke and arrhythmias, a large new study suggests.
November 2, 2021 | U.S. News | News Article | Associated Research
Opioid crisis escalating; advocates press governments to act
“We need urgent action from all levels of government. There is a need for local, provincial and federal governments to work together on this,” said Dr. Tara Gomes, a Toronto epidemiologist and the lead principal investigator of the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network.
August 20, 2021 | The Intelligencer | News Article
Six Ontarians died every day from opioid overdoses at start of pandemic: study
A new study examining the impact of the ongoing opioid crisis in Ontario has found that, on average, six people a day died from opioid overdoses during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 26, 2021 | CTV News | News Article | Associated Research
Fatal opioid overdoses in Ontario surge during pandemic: report
Ontario’s opioid crisis has worsened dramatically during the pandemic, with the homeless population and those who were unemployed accounting for a significant portion of fatal overdoses, a new report has found.
May 19, 2021 | Toronto Star | News Article | Associated Research
The use of benzodiazepines, prescribed for sleep and anxiety disorders, has declined in Ontario but risen for young women, study says
While overall prescriptions for benzodiazepines in Ontario fell 13 per cent between 2013 and 2019, the report revealed prescriptions for women aged 19 to 24 have risen by 30 per cent in that same timeframe
April 29, 2021 | Toronto Star | News Article | Associated Research
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